Paying it Forward

I make an average earning of 25USD pr. month from the streams of my music from all platforms. This is not a massive amount of money, but I believe that every little helps. Therefore I donate this money to various charities as a way of paying it forward. 

Charities that I have donated to, so far, below:


Røde Kors (Red Cross)

Ungdommens Røde Kors (Red Cross Youth)

SIND (Mind)

Det Rullende Hjerterum - Hjemløs i Aarhus

Landsforeningen Spor

Børns Vilkår


Landsforeningen for PTSD-ramte & pårørende




• Dansk Hospitalsklovne

If you would like to suggest a charity that I you think I should consider donating to, please feel free to contact me using the link below.